Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 272: Bard Flu Over a Keto Mess

Two Bards, One Mic

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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Weeks in Review; BQotW; Questions and Answers 

0:05:01. Weeks in Review.
+ The Medium (xbox)
+ Control (controlgame)
+ The Little Things (IMDB)
+ The Great Escapists (IMDB)
+ The Expanse (IMDB)

0:39:58. BQotW 
BQotW #271:  If you could have a private quarantine concert right now, but it had to be in your residence, who would it be?
BQotW #272: What was your biggest "headache" at work?

0:49:22. Douggie Sharp. For those lower budget projects, what aspect of film making, pulls you out of the experience the quickest?

0:53:13. Paula Moran. Do you think augmented reality headsets would be a good addition to tabletop and larp or would they take away from the experience?

0:58:35. Brad McGowan. If I raged against the machine, would I find myself in the matrix of strawberry fields forever?

0:59:42. Rob MacLennan. What is your dream piece of almost affordable tech? Not "win the lottery" grade, but something just beyond what you can justify spending on?

Patreon support for this episode provided by...
James Peters, Leslie Sedlak, Laura Red Scott, Stuart Hume, Brad Roberts, Rob MacLennan, Rival Guy, Jenifer Rifenbery, Brad McGowan, Seth M. Davis, Casey Lee, Hawke Robinson, Jay Blancken, Douggie Sharp, Beau Prichard, Gordon D. Duke, and Lotta Djerf.
