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Two Bards, One Mic |
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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description: Free Form Discussion of Weeks and Things; BQotW; Questions and Answers.
0:00:30. Weeks in Review
+ Almost Live! (IMDB)
+ Too Funny to Fail: The Life & Death of The Dana Carvey Show (IMDB)
+ The (206) (IMDB)
+ Luke Burbank (IMDB)
+ Prospect (IMDB)
+ Washington Filmworks (web)
+ Demon Hunters: S.O.L. Webseries (Kickstarter)
0:38:32. Air D&D
+ Airbnb Experiences (web)
+ The AirD&D Experience (Airbnb)
045:00. Bardic Question of the Week
Join us at discordapp.com
BQotW #205: What movies do you dislike but still think people should watch?
+ La Strada (IMDB)
+ Krull (IMDB)
+ Requiem for a Dream (IMDB)
+ Schindler's List (IMDB)
BQotW #205a: What's your favorite TwoBards episode, and why?
+ Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 68: Pizza Delivery (Isn't this how pornos start?)
1:01:15. Dennis Nichol. Do either of you care about or have you ever really be into pinball? Who do you think would win if you faced off against each other?
1:07:56. Brian Bender. Lord of the Rings vs. Star Wars vs. MCU -- which do you think is better? Which is your favorite? Alternatively, is there a god?
1:16:19. Rival Guy. Andy, now that you've had a chance to play some Sea of Thieves with friends, how's the experience?
+ Sea of Thieves (web)
1:21:44. James Peters. Would the Bards ever consider doing an actual-play podcast of D&D or some similar game?
1:22:47. Patrick Boden. What super power would you give/think the other Bard member should have?
1:25:50. Rob MacLennan. Early retirement becomes a reality...you can only have one vehicle: what would it be?
1:29:29. Patrick Boden. If you could have one video game mechanic be a part of your day-to-day life, what would it be?
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Hawke Robinson, James Peters, Leslie Sedlak, Rob MacLennan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Dennis Nichol, Tobin Dax, Casey Lee, Jay Blancken, Todd McKimmey, Douggie Sharp, Beau Prichard, Tom Brophy, Gordon D. Duke, Lotta Djerf, Tim Martin, Laura Adams, James Herbert, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
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