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Intro music by Randall Marsh

+ Modesto Con (web)
00:04:00. Weeks in Review
+ Cool as Ice (IMDB)
+ Janusz Kaminski (IMDB)
+ Absolutely Anything (IMDB)
00:23:50. DMCA Alex Mauer/Imagos Softworks
+ YouTube DMCA videos (YouTube)
Questions and Answers 00:04:00. Weeks in Review
+ Cool as Ice (IMDB)
+ Janusz Kaminski (IMDB)
+ Absolutely Anything (IMDB)
00:23:50. DMCA Alex Mauer/Imagos Softworks
+ YouTube DMCA videos (YouTube)
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
00:32:40. Bardic Question of the Week
BQotW #179: Do you like the Bardic Question of the Week? How can we boost the signal?
BQotW #180: Do you have any 'fun', epic or other stories of moving? Do you have any moving tips? Bonus Question: What phone should Scott get to replace his POS Windows Phone?
00:44:12. Casey Lee. Another Star Wars related question. What do the Bards like better Extended Universe, or "New Cannon"?
00:49:22. Rob MacLennan. While working on a 'costume' which will likely survive for several hundred years, the incongruity of not being able to find a pair of shoes that will last longer than 4 months struck me. Is our technology the issue, or is the the people who use it?
00:54:52. Casey Lee. A note from last weeks podcast. The A-Wing fighter does not use an astromech as it has a dedicated slave circuit for tandem jumps with capital ships, and a nav computer. The frame being too small for an astromech was seen as a design flaw corrected with the E-Wing fighter during the formation of The New Republic. As this is EU and no longer cannon, this is up to discussion if that should be taken into account.
00:59:00. Matthew Hunt. Who do you think would win in a Wonder Woman V Thor battle?
BQotW #180: Do you have any 'fun', epic or other stories of moving? Do you have any moving tips? Bonus Question: What phone should Scott get to replace his POS Windows Phone?
00:44:12. Casey Lee. Another Star Wars related question. What do the Bards like better Extended Universe, or "New Cannon"?
00:49:22. Rob MacLennan. While working on a 'costume' which will likely survive for several hundred years, the incongruity of not being able to find a pair of shoes that will last longer than 4 months struck me. Is our technology the issue, or is the the people who use it?
00:54:52. Casey Lee. A note from last weeks podcast. The A-Wing fighter does not use an astromech as it has a dedicated slave circuit for tandem jumps with capital ships, and a nav computer. The frame being too small for an astromech was seen as a design flaw corrected with the E-Wing fighter during the formation of The New Republic. As this is EU and no longer cannon, this is up to discussion if that should be taken into account.
00:59:00. Matthew Hunt. Who do you think would win in a Wonder Woman V Thor battle?
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
Hawke Robinson, Leslie Sedlak, Jay Blanken, Rob MacLennan, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, James Peters, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Justin Everett, Douggie Sharp, Todd McKimmey, Amanda Cook, Lotta Djerf, Tom Brophy, Laura Adams, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Tim Martin, Paula Moran, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, and Rival Guy.
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
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