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Intro music by Randall Marsh
Description:Quick Weeks in Review, Bard v Bard, Questions and Answers
+ SEA vs CIN (nfl.com)
1:32. Weeks in Review
1:57. Bard v Bard, Andy's list of asinine laws
+ Buddy's (website)
7:52. Scott's list of asinine laws
+ To submit via Twitter: tag @TwoBards with the hashtag #TwoBardsPodcast
+ To submit via Facebook: post directly on the Two Bards Productions page.
19:53. Matthew Hunt. Did you know that tell your children by Emilie Rommel Shimkus has funded?
+ Tell Your Children (kickstarter)
20:41. RPG Research. Hawke's @rpgresearch in news: HBO Vice
+ HBO Vice (vice)
+ The Wheelchair Friendly RPG Trailer (GoFundMe)
22:01. Thomas Brophy. What would you guys prefer, more cgi in action films or less and go back to more old school FX.
+ Ex Machina (IMDB)
+ Jurassic World (IMDB)
+ American Horror Story (IMDB)
35:15. RPG Research. Podcast 106 - for Con Badge: (2) Bards (Don't) Suck. PLEASE do implement your idea for a horror film where the people do the RIGHT thing!
36:42. Tim Martin. Yes, go with Bard v Bard for the new segment. Scoring system will need to be developed for bragging rights. Question for Quiz the Bards, or what ever you decide to call it, provided it needs a name, but since you named the new segment, you should also provide it a name for the questions segment to be fair and so as to not leave out pre-existing conditions: Since you are already living the dream, doing Two Bards, other media and production work, acting, along with cool and interesting tech stuff; outside of all of this spiffiness, what would be your dream career (not job, we're slaves to jobs); e.g. what would you want to do for a living that fulfilled your passions. I also think it's time for me to cook you dinner again. It's been far too long.
44:14. Dennis Nichol. Assuming your current "names" in the film world are your legal names.... Have you thought about alternate "stage names" before? What names might be on the list for consideration?
49:53. Dennis Nichol. What would YOU guys do for a Klondike Bar?
51:13. Rob MacLennan. If you could learn one mundane skill from a fantasy role playing game, in real life, what would it be?
53:00. Paula Moran. You could do dueling dialects as a segment. On that subject, how do you keep one dialect without slipping into another?
+ Dangerous Ground (IMDB)
1:01:37. Tim Martin. How I got through 114 and 114.5: Yes, popcorn machine at the works. Haunted House was used while waiting for said popcorn. I highly recommend popcorn for 114 and 114.5.
1:02:28. Rob MacLennan. You guys enjoying "Z Nation"? Zombie Mennonites, Lucy the baby Zombie Jesus, Keeter doing a whole pharmacy..... What's not to love?
+ Z Nation (IMDB)
Patreon support for this podcast provided by...
William Hawkes-Robinson, Lesley Sedlak, Todd McKimmey, Donald Evans, Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, Bradley Swan, Trampas Johnson, Gordon D. Duke, DigbyDavis LLC, Paula Moran, Amanda Cook, Mark Bevier, James Herbert, Adam Moore, Matthew Hunt, Tim Martin, Rob MacLennan, Lotta Djerf, Laura Adams, Tom Brophy, Tom Stewart, Douggie Sharp, Justin Everett, Britney Bemley, Brad Roberts, Jenifer Rifenbery, Rival Guy, and Chad Jones
Neil deGrasse Tyson, if you're listening....
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson: Web | Facebook | StarTalk Radio | Patreon
+ Cosmos [IMDB]
Bardic Quest: Thank you so much for your support! We appreciate all of you for listening, reading and participating. If you wouldn't mind leaving an HONEST review on iTunes, we would love you even more ;)
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