Two Bards, One Mic – Episode 57: Beat Boxin'

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Video Link:

Intro music by Randall Marsh

Description: Godzilla, Weeks in Review, Questions, Hillarity, Sillyess, Computer Hardware, Stories. Did I mention Godzilla?

Episode Links
+ Family Guy Blue Harvest (IMDB)
+ Frys Electronics (web)
+ Godzilla (IMDB)
+ iPic Theaters (web)
+ Tom Brophy (imdb)

This week:
+ Dark Dungeons Trailer (YouTube)
+ Wired write up on Dark Dungeons (web)
+ io9 write up on Dark Dungeons (web)
+ Worst Laid Plans (Facebook)
+ Lucky Them (web)
+ Conner Marx (IMDB)
+ Mario Kart 8 (web)

31:55. Paula Moran. Q. Have you tried the new flavor of the month at Baskin Robbins? It's called Mom's Making Cookies and it's really tasty.

33:52. Paula Moran. Q. Is anyone else looking forward to the new Super Smash Bros.?
+ Super Smash Bros. (web)
+ Torchlight II (wiki)
+ Containment: The Zombie Puzzler (Bootsnake Games)
+ The Typing of the Dead (Sega)

42:51. Laura Adams. Happy Towel Day!

43:29. Dennis Nichol. Q. Eat anything delicious this week? (Or right now?)

45:00. Dennis Nichol. Q. In all your travels, what's the most expensive thing you've broken which belonged to someone else? Tell us the tale of how that situation went down!

51:04. Paula Moran. Q. Do you prefer improv, scripted performance or a script with room for improvisation?

+ Fighting Over Beverly (Harlequin Productions)

56:15. Thomas Brophy. Q. Thoughts on Quentin Tarantino's rant about digital projection being the end of cinema. Yea/Nay?
+ Tarantino's rant (Indiewire)

And as always...
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson Web | Facebook | Startalk Radio
