Podcast Audio Link: http://twobards.com/podcasts/TwoBards_40_20140202.mp3
Description: PSH, Super Bowl, Questions, First VODcast while podcasting, online questions, epic stories.
Podcast intro music by Randall Marsh
+ Philip Seymour Hoffman (IMDB)
+ Robert De Niro (IMDB)
+ Flawless (1999) (IMDB)
+ Super Bowl XLVIII (NFL)
+ Don Jon (IMDB)
+ Pirate Radio/The Boat that Rocked (IMDB)
+ The Family (IMDB)
+ Prisoners (IMDB)
+ Two Bards will be at RadCon (Pasco, WA | Feb 14-16)
Questions 30:14. Douglas Michel. Do you always stand when you podcast?
+ Boy Scout leaders in Goblin Valley (web)
33:40. Two Bards Shirts!
+ Preorder: www.tinyurl.com/bardshirt
+ Galaxy Quest (IMDB)
39:00. Patrick Pilger. Any way to obtain a Bardic Immunity shirt?
42:26 Scott is rehearsing the part of Gooper for a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
+ Harlequin Productions, March 6-29
Shout outs.
44:55. Beau Prichard sent Scott a wonderful book
+ Fighting Chance (amazon)
45:37. Scott’s sister. Family Crest
47:00. More info regarding Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
+ Tennessee Williams (wiki)
+ Tennessee Tuxedo (wiki)
+ Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (wiki)
+ Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woof? (wiki)
+ End Days by Deborah Zoe Laufer (web)
54:50. Chris Piazzo. What are your picks for this season of King of the Nerds?
+ King of the Nerds (tbs)
56:45. Paula Moran. What is the most epic thing you’ve done on set and at a con?
+ The Gamers: Dorkness Rising (IMDB)
+ The Gamers: Hands of Fate (IMDB)
+ CPAP Machine (wiki)
1:12:00. Tiffani. Scott C. Brown, have you ever hit on a person dressed as George W. Bush?
1:14:06. Chris Piazzo. What are some of the most fun costumes you’ve worn?
+ Ghost Pirate LeChuck (wiki)
+ Nathan/Lodge’s Firefly Rant (YouTube)
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson (web)
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