Description: Scattering
and Smattering of information, Joined by Sarah Moore (Gamer Chick) and Trin
Miller (Actor Chick), Questions and Answers for the entire group from various
sources, mostly Jeremy Spray. Who doesn’t listen to this podcast. Harumph!
Intro music by Randall Marsh
Two Ladies, Cabaret (YouTube)
Studio Guests:
+ Gamer Chick Show (YouTube)
+ Alan Smithee (wiki)
24:25. The Gaming Gals w/Katie Swindler
30:15. Top Billing, The Movie Making Card Game
+ defenestration (wiki)
+ Dorkness Rising (YouTube)
+ The Dirty Do Gooders (YouTube)
+ Eastbound & Down (IMDB)
48:00 Trin's Thibbit Ringtone (.m4r | .mp3) for listener #58
(updated on Jan 31, now louder :) )
48:00 Trin's Thibbit Ringtone (.m4r | .mp3) for listener #58
(updated on Jan 31, now louder :) )
1:00:30. Jeremy Spray. You play an awesome looking game on
Gamer Chick (GC), what is the game you play?
1:04:25. Jeremy Spray. Do you cosplay? Who would you want
1:06:02. Jeremy Spray. What is your favorite card combo in
Cards Against Humanity?
1:07:00. Jeremy Spray. Who is your geekiest influence?
+ William Katt (IMDB)
1:08:37. Jeremy Spray. What muse to you look to or turn to
when you lose confidence?
1:09:59. Jeremy Spray. What is your favorite YouTube
+ Vsauce (YouTube)
+ Cat Jump Fail with Music: Sail by AWOLNATION (YouTube):
+ Jessica’s “Daily Affirmation” (YouTube)
+ Adult Wednesday Addams (YouTube)
+ Table Top (YouTube)
+ My Drunk Kitchen (YouTube)
1:12:03. Katy Spray. When is the table flipping?
1:13:00. Lesley Sedlak. Do you have any upcoming projects?
1:18:16. Paula Moran. Are you guys doing a live podcast at
GenCon this year?
+ RadCon, Feb 14-16 (web)
1:19:21. Chris Piazzo. Will all the 80s movies that are
being remade, is there a movie that hasn’t been made yet that you’d like to see
+ BMX Bandits (IMDB)
+ E.T. (IMDB)
+ Splash (IMDB)
+ Gotcha (IMDB)
1:22:38. Rival Guy. Is The Mist worth watching again in
black and white?
+ The Mist (IMDB)
1:24:23. Thomas Brophy. If given a chance to produce an all
new award show, what would it be and why?
Neil deGrasse Tyson
+ Shia LaBeouf (IMDB)
+ Glitch Bonus Life #10 – IroniCon (YouTube)
1:27:00. Final Thoughts.
+ God Bless America (IMDB)
+ Tug Inn (web)
+ Neil deGrasse Tyson (web)
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